Tag Archives: books


Hello Lovelies,

First things first let’s get the introductions out-of-the-way. So, hi my name is Danielle and I am 16 years old. I am currently still in school however only have 3 more weeks until I no longer will be *dances in celebration*. I won’t go into this in full detail as I am hoping to write a blog post about school in the future hoping to give some advice on how to survive it along the way.

I like to spend my spare time reading (I know, you’d think I was 60), belting out songs from Disney films and Musicals (badly) and also taking pictures of the world around me (thinking I’m so Tumblr). Don’t get me wrong I also like to do normal teenager things like going out with friends however if you gave me the choice to either go out partying and drinking till the early hours of the morning or stay at home reading the complete harry potter series and with a mug of tea finishing off with an early night I would definitely choose the latter of the two, not because I am unsociable but because I genuinely prefer reading to getting drunk at parties (and if you feel the same then I want you to know that that is ok)

I am not entirely sure what direction I want this blog to go and I do not have a set plan other than to ramble on to myself (If anyone else actually ends up reading them then that’s just an added bonus). If you do end up reading this then please let me know, you can do this by either messaging me or simply just be following this account or any of my other social media accounts. (I will put all of the links below).

Thank-you so much for reading my first ever blog and i hope that whatever you are doing you are having an lovely day.

I’ll speak to you soon, 

Danielle xx

QOTD: “All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them”

Twitter: @Danie_Louise_

Snapchat: Danielle_M

Tumblr: chasing-a-balloon

Instagram: danielle_murray__